
Zee and Sirius Fatalis FINAL LITTER

Cursed Litter puppies!


07-31-2022, 12:02 AM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2022, 10:53 PM by halfawyrm. Edited 1 time in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Wyrm
Character's Name: Atramen [Short for atramentaria, as in coprinopsis atramentaria, also known as the Common Ink Cap]
Adult Height: (25% discount on height up to 42”) 23”
Size: Small
Build: Emaciated
Appearance Description: Design


The runt of the litter, Atramen will be born at a pitiful weight and height. Her limbs will be twigs and her skin paper, her ribs protruding with every fall of her chest. Her hide wraps tight around her body, almost painfully so. Looking at her, you’d imagine it wouldn’t take much for it to tear. The weakest link in a chain filled with dire wolves with saber teeth and wide feet. Her sea-grey eyes bug out wildly from her skull.
Her coat is pale, pretty, a sandy beach beige fading to ocean green where the water meets land, all the way down her spine. Amidst this transition are the iconic fatalis stripes, the foam on the crest, encircling her face, shoulders, rump and back legs, a subtler set blending blue and yellow in an enigmatic swirl. Dull toned socks stretch up her back legs, ending at the knee.

Her most curious and troubling feature will be a permanent growth of mushrooms emerging from her skin, blooming upwards in a large cluster along her back. Their colour will be a similar shade to the darker beiges of her coat, and newer crops will begin bell-shaped. However, as they begin to mature, the cap will flatten and split and deliquesce, a peculiar process in which the gills of the fungi releases black ink when disturbed. The substance drips from the mushrooms constantly, but the flow increases with physical and psychological stress. The nature of this growth is parasitic, absorbing most of the nutrients the pup consumes. They can be removed, but not without pain, and the fungus will grow back within the day.

One could think, that this sickly and infected child would be ripe for culling, a picture perfect example of something that should not be able to continue, lest it sully the Fatalis bloodline irrevocably. Despite her obvious handicaps, Atramen pulls herself into something of a functioning, contributing canine. She will live her quiet life as a healer and gardener, acutely aware of the needs of flora around her, though this is more out of experience than any true ‘leafspeak’.

She is a scattered soul, brain altered by her malnutrition. She will first acknowledge the mushrooms and her as one, then treat them as two as the judgement of the people around her truly impacts her.
Alignment: True neutral
Skills: Healing/hunting
Mutations: I'm broke :sob:
Themed Mutation or Disability: Yes!
Intended plots / other: (Optional)