
How to give adults gray hairs 101

Gavroche, Lucette, Bae-Syl



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
07-31-2022, 01:15 AM

What he’d been hoping for, expected, and what actually happened were all very, very different things. The moment Lucette showed up he knew immediately something was wrong. She looked unsteady on her paws and her voice lacked its usual energy and warmth. The winged male felt his heart sink. He had thought she had left with more than enough time to get home before the rains hit… surely she wouldn’t have fibbed to him? He was worried for her, but more worrying was why she had gotten up if Bae-Syl was supposed to be here with her. Surely the male wouldn’t have let her go if he knew she was in this sort of state?

The winged wolf watched his mate leap over to their daughter, moving up behind her heartbeats after. Bells had the right idea, get Lucy back to her nest so she could rest. He was thankful for the bag of herbs he had now, though he’d definitely need to do a restock at some point in the near future after today. He had things to treat wounds, and maybe four or five doses of herbs to treat fever and cold. The man’s ears fell back and he followed the duo to the room, allowing Bells to urge Lucette onto the bed.

He… was not thrilled about what he saw.

Bae-Syl was not only out of commission but he looked to be in an even worse state than their little one. He had an injury, currently covered with crushed lamb’s ear, across his ribcage, and if his raspy-sounding breathing was anything to go by, he’d also been caught in the storm. Divinities above, what was he going to do with these two?

Once Lucy was back on the bed and Bells had set his herb bag down Gavroche moved over to the bed and hoped up. The movement was enough to dislodge Jessie who awoke with a start when she hit the blanket. James on the other hand hopped down of his own accord to give Gavroche what assistance he could.

His gaze shifted between the two yearlings. He wasn’t sure which, if either of them, would be able to answer him, so he addressed them both. “You were both caught in the storm?” He wanted confirmation as he began to look at the injury Bae-Syl had sustained. “And this wound, what caused it? It’s treated with only lamb’s ear, currently?" He had to remain calm, and keep his head on right so he could get the kids the treatment they needed. He’d only have enough medicine now for their colds for two days, given that both of them were sick, though he should be alright with readministering treatment to Bae-Syl’s wound and have enough supplies to reapply as needed.


Prescribe a treatment (Bae-Syl) - 0 / 3
Prescribe a treatment (Lucette) - 0 / 3

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Gavroche has one companion - a pygmy marmoset. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that he is close by.

As his mate and alpha, Bellamy is allowed in any of Gavroche's threads regardless of how they are marked.