
the world in colour



2 Years
Cinder II
07-31-2022, 04:14 PM
It would have been far more shameful having not asked, he realized. Imagine if he had tried to push the needle of the plant through someone's cut flesh to bring the two sides together. The very thought caused him to shudder a little now that he'd said it out loud, but he decided her words didn't require a response from him. He watched as she labored to retrieve the plant from the earth, and while any other gentleman might have simply stepped in for her, he felt that would have been far more rude. He'd offered his assistance, and it was up to her to accept it.

"I'd be glad to help you carry everything back," he said, though he felt curiosity grow within his chest when her form crumbled in on itself for a second. Was she okay? He'd been about to ask her what was the matter, but she seemed to perk up again before he could ask. It wasn't his place to bring back the momentary lapse in behavior, seeing as he'd only met her earlier this day, but he'd remain mindful to ask her if she was okay if it happened again. He stepped closer to the plant she'd discarded, and dipped his head to wrap his jowls gently around the stalk. With a practiced swing of his head, he let the plant rest on his shoulders before turning back to her.

"I do not mind the winter too much, but I believe many herbs are harder to find once the cold sets in, no?" He paused before fixing her with his golden gaze again. "How many of these were you hoping to get?"