
I Should Have Seen This Coming


10-10-2013, 03:20 PM

For Keno<3

Alaria padded silently alongside the shore of Wolfpaw Lake. Her elegant head hung low, snout nearly brushing the moist clay. Her far-reaching legs dragged with agonizing listlessness. The femme's reappearance in the lands of Alacritis came without fanfare, without production. Could there be anyone at all that cared for her, that treasured the fact that she was alive? No. Impossible. Unthinkable. Alaria was alone, and that's all there was to it. Sensing a commonplace burst of rage, Alaria snatched up a fragmented chunk of driftwood that happened to lay in her path. Ria savaged it to bits, attempting unsuccessfully to eliminate the anger that permeated her entire being. Most would be heartbroken, vulnerable, weak, if they were left abandoned as Alaria had been. But no, not her. Alaria became angry. The ebony and ivory mistress would metamorphose into a creature filled with a fury unlike any other. It was highly unwise for any to exist in a vicinity within a hundred yards of her. Confusing, it was. How could Alaria begin to attempt to lose the rage of being alone when she adamantly refused any help?

Ria abandoned the shoreline in preference of a moss-covered patch of ground on top of a rocky overhang. With a sigh of exasperation, Alaria flopped down, relishing the soft winter moss against the thinner skin of her belly. The air around her had gained a bit of frigidity due to the cool air blowing off of the lake. In the West, the weather was more mild than that of the North and East, but either way Alaria stayed toasty warm in her thick mantle of winter fur. The sky was a clear, cloudless blue, and the midday sun beat down on Alaria's ebony top coat. Despite the fact that her breath steamed from her nostrils, physically Alaria was quite comfortable. Mentally, not so much. Her outburst of rage may have subsided into a quiet discontent, but the turmoil of emotions that raged throughout Ria's fragile mind refused to cease. She showed no outward signs of distress, but one look in her deep amber orbs would be enough to confirm that she danced on the brink of insanity.

Alaria felt an emotional breakdown hovering close-by, but vehemently shoved it away. No tears, no pain. If she didn't acknowledge the presence of her demons, then they couldn't hurt her. Alaria pondered her logic. I don't understand.. I don't know how to make this go away. I need help. But needing help is a weakness. I can't afford to be weak. If I'm weak, then wolves know. When wolves know, they take advantage of that weakness. Alaria's composure slipped for a moment, and she released a single whine, her pointed, elegant ears pinned flat to her skull. The sound was a helpless, broken one. There was no more doubt; Alaria needed help. And she needed help before the worst came to pass.
