
to dance is to live

[ open spar ]


07-31-2022, 06:59 PM

Ngurulivu found she already liked the companion's spunk. While she has nothing of her own to aid her in terms of weapon, armor, or companion Nuru would not falter. Even though it was a spar she took the task seriously as the skills and knowledge she gained here were, well, important. A stepping stone to growth. The woman looked forward to seeing how the koi-marked woman and her companion carried themselves in this fight and found it curious, not that she had time to dwell on it, that the companion moved with his wolf counterpart without instruction.

As for her pivoted motion, there was a mild success, at least until the glint of the blade was noticed. While Nuru was not afraid of injury, finding wounds to be part of the process, she would rather avoid going back to her brother so soon for treatment. The blade, while thin, had the potential to slice deep and Nguruvilu wanted no parts of the weapon against her.

Another pivot on her paws, a reflex to avoid getting struck, was made before Ngurulivu kicked against the ground with force to give herself a boost forward. She would be parallel with the woman now with her rear closer to Sayuri's head than her own head was to the woman's own rear end. At least for a couple of precious seconds.

She had avoided the blade, true, but the weight of her companion hit Ngurulivu's back and the woman immediately made the attempt to rear and dislodge it. Her forepaws came off the earth as her weight shifted into her rear legs and back half, a twist to the movement as she sought to swing back around and face her opponent. She did not wish to bring the companion harm and hoped with her angle it would only serve to unbalance the creature who, hopefully, had yet to get any grip on her fur and cause him to roll harmlessly off to the side. She only went about half as high as she could have because of this, also not wanting to risk jeopardizing her balance. Low-cost fight or not, she did not aim to make it easy to best her. Just as she hoped they would challenge her she aimed to challenge them.

"Talk, 'Think.'

Nguruvilu vs Sayuri for Spar
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Hunter