
If you love me let me go Cause these words are knives that often leave scars

The fear of falling apart And truth be told I never was yours


"Helen of Koi"


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7 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
07-31-2022, 07:48 PM

Hanako scowled so fierce it made the muscles in her dainty little face ache. She thought she was lying? Making this up just to distract from the argument, to shift the blame somewhere else? The huffy beginnings of a tantrum were starting to surface, paw stomping and lips blowing as she took in the dry sound of Sparrow's laughter. All forced with no real humour behind it, like this was the furthest thing from funny they could possibly get. Hanako had been gathering her thoughts, ready to insist she was in fact telling the truth when Sparrow steered the conversation in a new direction, near smeared it in Hanako's face. Didn't give her a chance to look away.

It didn't take a lot to offend Hanako, to be honest. Needless to say she was miffed, the fire being fanned with each following word that passed the soft brown of Sparrow's maw.

"Recluse? Really?" Oh now Sparrow had done it. "You go and wax on about how much you like me, that you want me. Get me a hot rock, or whatever that is. But you go and sleep with her? Yesterday??? That bitch who's had so many kids her tits are swinging by her ankles?"

How would Sparrow even know what she had and hadn't done? The amount of times she got drunk and drugged up out left plenty of room for her to wander off the lesbian path. But that didn't even matter really, it wasn't any of Hanako's business. Except now, she was mad that Sparrow had not only slept with one other wolf but two. Hana should leave, she really ought to. It was the smart thing to do, the right thing to do. But now she was pissed and there was no stopping the flurry of petulance and spite that danced on the tip of her tongue. She was an awful person sometimes, too awful and probably not very smart. At least not right now.

"You're so-so!" She wished she'd just shut up, shut up shut up and stop talking.

Maybe making a grab for her muzzle would work? Seemed like a smart thing to do.

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