
Cold Sun [Fenben/OPEN]


03-06-2013, 12:26 AM

She couldn't stand the cold. She barely had any fur left to begin with, leaving her skin exposed to the elements. She hunkered down into a patch of tall grass and shivered, her entire body trembling in the wind as she glared into the cruel and useless sun. She felt like she was dying. She had traveled from the east carrying with her a broken heart, only to land in the frozen north, all to escape the male that had broken her. She could never return to Valhalla. Never see him and that damned femme of his, happily raising fat healthy pups and laughing their worries away. She could never have that, not with him, not with the man who in the same breath told her he had found a mate had told her he loved her. Never. She whined into the ground, her body wracked with pain both internal and external and with no way of healing either.

A howl broke the silence, grabbing the attention of her over-sized ears. Someone in trouble. She stood, head barely peeking over the sparse shrubs, and howled in return, assuring him his call had not gone unheard, not that there was much she could do to help. She was one of the smallest wolves in Valhalla and a shit hunter at that. On her own she fed on mice and other small animals, barely having the strength to take down hares. But where her strength failed, she had made up for it in agility. Her eyes locked on a bird, scratching at the ground, a perfect target. With a quick dash she scared the beast into the air. She threw herself after it as it did, her jaws closing around the it's body and crushing it. A fine enough meal for a straggler. With a burst of speed she ran after the howl, leaving a trail of black feathers behind her as she ran.

The site that greeted her as she arrived shocked her. An ebony black beast, just as weathered by time as she was. She dropped the bird near him and kept her tail raised on level with her body as a precaution. She was silent at first, sniffing the air silently to make sure he wasn't ill and stepped closer, ears folded back as she nuzzled the bird toward the stranger.
