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Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

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7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-01-2022, 10:59 AM

As Artorias attempted to express how he trusted her as well, she couldn't help the grin that pulled across her muzzle and the light laughter that escaped her as he tripped and stumbled over his own words with the many mentions of them sleeping together. Despite the long, pleasurable night they and spent together with their respective partners he still occasionally showed that adorable awkwardness that had endeared her to him so much when they first met and she very much enjoyed it. Eventually he regained some of his composure and attempted what he was trying to say again, managing to say how he was glad to be someone she trusted and how he trusted and knew her intimately as well. She grinned and replied, "You do certainly know me intimately," while giving him a wink just to tease him a bit. She couldn't resit flustering him and enjoying this side of him that was still at least the smallest bit innocent and not quite as exposed to all things sexual and lecherous as she had been.

She was attentive as he moved on to the actual matter at hand and began to explain the Hallows' view on alliances and how while they did take alliances, there were certain lines that were drawn in the sand, so to speak. She certainly understood the noble ideals that Artorias was looking to uphold and she didn't have any issue with allowing him that. She had no intentions of jumping into fights or wars unprovoked, but regardless she understood him protecting his own and not dragging them into any unnecessary battles as well. "I don't have many laws for my wolves, but the first as always been that if you are the cause of trouble then you will be responsible for your own trouble. I certainly would not expect you to fight my wars for me should I ever find myself in the situation where such a thing might come about. Though I do suppose I'd have to leave my island and pick fights for something like that to happen." She chuckled lightly and grinned at that, clearly more happy simply keeping to herself here than causing trouble somewhere else.

"I am quite fond of Fenmyre as well and have had pleasant experiences with Armada so it seems we all run in the same circles." It did make sense that like minded wolves would find one another, but it was still slightly amusing to her that the same wolves she had been working toward alliances with were already allies with Artorias and the Hallows. "I can easily agree to the terms you've laid out. We will come to your aid as well, should you ever need it, but I also have no desire to put my family in harms way unnecessarily. We certainly enjoy a fight, but not for idiotic reasons." She slowed and turned to face him then, giving him a grin as she lifted a paw in an offer to take his as she asked, "Do we have an agreement then? An alliance between two intimate friends?"

"Manea Mendacium"