
Planting Life, Breaking Ground



Expert Healer (120)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

9 Years
08-01-2022, 03:57 PM (This post was last modified: 08-01-2022, 04:19 PM by Eramaya. Edited 1 time in total.)
Eramaya of Valhalla

Her eyes lifted from the steady progress she was making in the garden, and she smiled at the young woman, recognizing her from the meeting Ardyn had held. Legacy had described each of the wolves she knew from Valhalla who were healing inclined, and Eramaya could hazard a guess that this was Laoise.

Lee confirmed the suspicion with her introduction, and Eramaya nodded with a widening of her smile as she greeted softly, " Go raibh maith agat. Ba é mo pháistí is fearr leat."

Despite the ache of the memories, her smile remained steady and warm as she added her own introduction in turn, remaining in the Old Tongue, though her Common Tongue was as fluent as any native born to the language.

" Is mise Eramaya na Nomads... de Valhalla anois. Is mór an pléisiúr bualadh leat go díreach faoi dheireadh, a Laoise."

The healer sat up, regarding the tilled soil she’d gotten worked over so far, then smiled at Lee. She knew the young woman was keen on healing, and by her scent, it was her birth season, so it was highly likely the woman would want something to do that would take an edge off that restlessness.

"Tá tús á chur agam le mo ghairdín leighis. Is mothú suimiúil é, ag cur i ghairdín buan. Fásaimid iad de ghnáth i bpotaí is féidir linn a iompar."

Her head cocked, and she added, "Más mian leat cabhrú, cuirim fáilte roimh an gcuideachta. Tá cúpla síolta plandaí annamh agam le cur isteach."

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Labhair an Sean-Teanga." ---- "Hear" ---- Think