
idle paws are the devils tools



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An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
08-01-2022, 04:27 PM (This post was last modified: 08-01-2022, 04:28 PM by Albion. Edited 1 time in total.)
Albion didn’t argue or resist his father’s wishes, his huge ivory paws carried him after Chimera as he led the boy away from the falls. Where it was easier to hear, as Albion was about to get as much of an earful as ever came from the King. Chimera proved he wasn’t ignorant to Albion’s opinions, starting by telling him of the word he’d gotten from his sister. Scylla seemingly had no trouble with letting her brothers leave her behind in Elysium, she could embrace her time away, and that fact made Albion mad too. How could she be so content without him, without Cerberus.

As he closed, Chimera stopped and turned on his heel to face the young man. Albion kept his features neutral as the conversation turned to him, and everything wrong with him. Nothing he said required an answer before the King took a seat before the boy. There wasn’t any anger or animosity, only fact and observation. Maybe he should have been sent off like he said, if he was so unhappy with him.

The King’s deep voice vocalized his concerns, his logic, and his wishes for the young man but Albion didn’t want to listen to reason or hopes, he wanted to be mad. He wanted everyone to know his displeasure. But the pale boy also knew his father was right and that was what made him the most upset. He wanted to be a sulking child just to spite his father. He averted his gaze, a glimpse at the shame he felt at his own actions but his determination to stay the course kept him quiet.

He didn’t know what to say, Chimera should have understood why he was upset. He never let Siren out of his sight, why did he feel it was okay to keep Scylla from him? "You don’t care what I think so why does it matter?” His chest tightened as he spoke the most defiant words he'd ever spoken to his father. The innocent pup he once was recoiled in horror while the rebel grew.

"Albion Baskara Klien"