
Zee and Sirius Fatalis FINAL LITTER

Cursed Litter puppies!



Pride - GenderfluidPride - BisexualToys for TotsEaster Egg Hunt 2023
08-01-2022, 06:41 PM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2022, 11:24 AM by Asena. Edited 8 times in total.)
Out-of-Character Name: Asena
Character's Name: Titus Fatalis(meaning "to burn" in latin)
Adult Height: 42"
Size: xL
Appearance Description:

With disability,

Without disability,

Personality: spoiled, intelligent, likes playing with plants, loves his family but can seem uncaring to those outside of the family, self aware maybe
With disability,

Without disability,

Alignment: lawful evil
with disability, intellect and healing
Without disability, healing and fighting
Mutations: sadly I cannot afford one at this time but I own a open charrie pass for any colors
Themed Mutation or Disability:
Crystalline growths affecting the front right leg, causing it to be gone from birth, crystal protrudes from his chest at where the leg would be though he hardly seems to notice otherwise(if a disability is rolled and I'm chosen)
Intended plots / other: I kind of just wanna thread them around, and see where life takes them but I wont be open to them getting severely harmed or raped or anything like that, I will be open to plots such as kidnapping, friendships, and other non-lethal or permanently harmful things, I am also if I get a disability pup open to the idea that they might be culled for the good of the family image

Note: I would prefer with the disability but if I'm not picked this is also fine and I'm all for him being the only pup without a disability i can also afford all the things this character would require and will not require help unless you guys want all the pups to have mutations and the disabilities, in which case I cannot afford mutations.

Disability: Yes!!!! I will play him either way though.