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Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

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7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-01-2022, 10:03 PM

Manea shared a sly smirk with Artorias as the larger male spoke of how quickly he was getting to know her intimately after their very "informative" night. "Fully versed, probably not, but still quite familiar, I'd say," she replied with a chuckle, enjoying their banter of barely hidden innuendoes and suggestive comments. She did enjoy talking with the Aegis and enjoyed other activities with him even more—especially when his delightful wife was in the picture as well. She and Alastor had partaken in all manner of lecherous activities at this point, but the night they shared with the Carpathian couple did stand out as a highlight among it all. After they had gone over the general boundaries and agreements between their packs and their possible alliance, Artorias mentioned all the benefits of why they had no reason to leave and how all her needs were met here, catching Artorias' mischievous gaze as it turned toward her. She already knew what he was implying and she returned his sly grin and chuckled, sneaking her tail over to lightly brush it against his thigh with a daring look in her aqua eyes. "Well... Maybe not every need, but most of them, yes."

As she stopped to face the Hallows leader, offering him her paw as a formal show of their alliance, she gave him a pleased smile when he took the offered gesture and accepted her offer easily. She had been fairly sure that he would agree, but it was nice to have a true agreement set in place between them. She nodded as he listed off the ways that the Hallows would benefit them in trade, open borders, and assistance in their fights. "I offer the same to you and yours. I look forward to working very closely with you and your wife in the future," she replied, her smile pulling into a suggestive grin toward the end. As if reading her mind, Artorias lifted her paw to his lips and placed a kiss there in a very chivalrous gesture that made the generally lustful, violent, salacious woman grin at Artorias' adorable nature. He spoke of spending more quality time together with their mates and how there was still more she could them and her aqua gaze showed even more of that heated interest and desire mixed in among her amusement and attraction for the azure brute.

Her paw lifted from his and reached up to his cheek, tracing along the curve of his jaw and down along the underside of his muzzle with her deadly claws lightly tracing along his skin through the thin fur there as a wider grin tugged at her lips. "Oh, there is most certainly more I can show you. Maybe we'll even get a chance for that quality time tonight... As long as you don't mind leaving a bit more tired and sore than when you arrived." Manea chuckled softly and tipped her muzzle forward, leaving a light, teasing lick across the end of his muzzle before she let her paw fall away and she turned to start walking back toward the island with a beaconing swish of her tail. There was only one real way to celebrate their new alliance and they would need to fetch their respective partners to do that.

"Manea Mendacium"