
Cold Sun [Fenben/OPEN]


03-06-2013, 12:43 AM
As Crow heard the return howl go out over the cold air, he flinched. He stood quickly, not wanting to be found, but found himself unable to move. He knew that this cowardice had to stop. He would not run from the only thing that night save him now. He watched, his heart pounding wildly in his chest, as a small she-wolf came bounding out to greet him, and in her mouth was a bird, much like one Crow would have followed to find his next meal. He prayed it hadn't been waiting for him.

She nudged the bird's carcass towards him cautiously, and part of him wanted to bury the bird as a sign of respect, but he knew that she would probably be insulted by it or something like that. At the very least he knew there was no way she'd understand. Then she took a step forward, and he reacted on instinct by stepping back, his lip curling only slightly, before falling back into place. He approached the female, his tail only slightly elevated, and took the bird gently to where he's been laying, gesturing for her to join him, a choice of actions he prayed he would not regret, and began eating.

When he'd finished, he lay his head on his paws. "Thank you," he sighed, and looked up at her, only just noticing that the hammering in his heart had subsided slightly. "I hope I didn't... worry you," he began, questioning whether he had chosen the correct word, "I've just been a little... conflicted lately. I didn't think anyone would actually respond to my howl..." His voice faded gently nearing the end of the sentence, realizing that the last part was a lie. "My name's Crow. And yours?"