
I Found It! It's My Stick!

Morendo & Orthrus Fighting Seasonal



Master Fighter (355)

Expert Healer (175)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years

Snake Eyes
08-01-2022, 10:07 PM

Strix swings his newfound stick around, thoroughly enjoying himself, until his taller brother’s form separates itself from the surrounding tree line. To be fair, the boy of black and gray is the smallest of his litter and all his siblings are tall to him. However, anytime he spies a hulking shape, he immediately worries that his brothers are there to pick on him. He quickly stops his silly antics, ears flattening against his skull and his tail tucking as he watches Morendo approach, worry fills his mismatch gaze as he looks to his soft-spoken brother wondering if Ren is going to make fun of him.

Yet, Morendo surprises his smaller brother, picking up a large stick of his own and moving to test it out. Head cocks slightly but his tail untucks and gives a small wag as his brother then moves to stand in front of him, the boy’s bigger form quickly falling into a battle-ready stance. The smirk isn’t missed by Strix and he offers a twitch of his own lips in response as he lowers his center of gravity. Paws spread, moving outward until they are under his shoulders. Body lowers, the boy bending his knees while also shifting his weight slightly backward.

Ears pin back and eyes narrow as the smaller boy’s tail sticks out behind him, ready to act as a rudder when he runs. Morendo may have size and bulk on his side but Strix is determined and scrappy. Without a word, the small boy releases the energy he had stored in his legs and rockets toward his taller sibling. Rain patters down, turning the ground into mud and soaking the Klein boy’s coats. Their mother will likely tsk at them and send them to take a bath as soon as they get back to the compound but that doesn’t matter right now.

Strix races the short distance to where Ren stands, using his forward momentum to swing a powerful blow toward his brother’s front legs with his crude weapon. Paws kick up mud as he goes, splattering both of them. The thrill of fighting zips through the boy and the world falls away until it is only Morendo and him playing around with their sticks. This is so cool!

WC: 376
Total WC: 1178 / 1500

"Strix Klein"