
Keep moving


Asmodeus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipDouble Master1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3
08-01-2022, 10:58 PM

The woman stuttered out an apology and Deus growled over it into her scruff. He did not get to usher her very far before the bear had recovered, and he was forced to leave her to her own devices and hope that the distance they'd made would be enough for her to remain safe. Turning his back to her swiftly, he squared back up with the beast and snarled out a warning, puffing up his fur and making himself look as intimidating as he could manage, in hopes that he would become the bear's priority target.

"I can distract it!" Deus' head whipped back, his muzzle wrinkling into the beginning of 'the fuck you will' but already, the woman was off and circling. He did not have the luxury of intercepting her, not with the bear recovered and searching again for it's next target. His two dogs advanced on either hind leg, harassing the beast with snarls and sharp snaps of their jaws, but still the bear was tracking the monochrome stranger.

Deus saw the moment it's muscles shifted, it's mind made up and it's lumbering form preparing to strike. He jumped in, parting his jaws wide to bring them down upon the bear's arm as it began to swing, using his full weight to pull back the paw before it could near her. The bear felt the resistance and growled in pain, slamming said paw back onto the ground and shifting it's weight onto it so it might strike out at Deus with the other. As quickly as he had grabbed it, his jaws released, and he skittered back to dodge the heavy blow. "What part of 'run' don't you understand!?" Deus called out, panting hard.
