
shattered to pieces




Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
08-02-2022, 10:33 AM

The falls were brilliantly colorful as ever - the pools of stone and crisp water trickling in peaceful unison. The sun was just beginning to set, and the falls truly lived up to their name in this prime time. Glazed swirls of orange, cream and goldenrod reflected in the flow of the water as a russet yearling approached them. She wasn’t happy. Her tail was down, her ears lowered. This wasn’t the Zoey who so eagerly consumed the sights of everywhere she went, happily observing and experimenting with the wildlife and bugs and flora she encountered. She ignored her new surroundings, aimlessly wandering as she had been since her pack - her supposed newfound home - had been shattered. Torn apart. It wasn’t as dramatic as she made it out to be, but the orphaned girl had good reason to feel this way. She knew and understood why her new home had been disbanded, but it didn’t mean it hurt any less. Tears constantly trickled from her wet coffee-hued eyes, her goggles fogging up so badly she finally sat down near the base of the falls and slipped them off. She looked down at the accessory in her firepaws, her snout wrinkling at the reminder of her first family, her mom and dad, that she lost to the ooze. And then the memory of the man who took her in - Solo, his name was - and showed her a new world where she thought she’d be able to stay and learn forever. She thought of even teaching a new generation of students as eager as she. But now that dream was lost, forever. The thought of that swirled in her brain, and for what felt to be the millionth time these few weeks, the girl collapsed into a fit of fesh sobs, her sobbing loud and wailing as she curled into herself, releasing all the hurt and sadness she could not contain.

”Speech” ‘Think’