
Have You Caught This Before?

ashen hunting expansion



Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
08-02-2022, 10:57 AM
Ike still felt a little nervousness in her belly as she realized Ashen’s growing numbers were in part some of her fault. She invited Remus to live in the pack when they were creeping up in number. So she thought it fully appropriate when Venom named her and her siblings as the wolves needed to go with their Renja to see if these chosen lands would be able to support them.

Since bringing Remus into Ashen Ike had been training hard to hone her hunting skills. The princess didn’t see it, after a lifetime of clumsy actions and ungraceful movement, but all of her hard work was beginning to pay off. Now that she had entered full adulthood the way she moved and acted changed. Each step of her mismatched paws was done with a hard won grace. Battling against her body grew the young woman into complete control of every tiny muscle. Ever present paranoia built her a perfect stance, all the princess was missing now was confidence. She didn’t believe in herself, and that was the most obvious in the way she carried herself.

Princess Kiyohime sent up a silent prayer when they finally came to a halt before the wide river, Celeste easily caught her attention when she began to speak. Ike had been fishing for her entire life, to the point she didn’t even consider it hunting; it came so naturally to the island born girl. All of a sudden the weight she felt was lifted from her shoulders, she could fish. "We should bring home the biggest one in the river.” Ike spoke up with a grin on her features, finally loosening up at the prospects ahead of them.
