
How to give adults gray hairs 101

Gavroche, Lucette, Bae-Syl



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
08-02-2022, 07:21 PM

Lucette could barely answer him, answering his questions in the shortest way possible. It was a concern for Gavroche as a parent and healer. He furrowed his brow, knowing it was important that, even though he had to treat his daughter, he stays calm. He wasn’t used to needing to treat more than one patient either… it was an experience that he wasn’t so sure he wanted. Not to mention it seemed the weight of the situation had already started getting to Bellamy as well. He glanced over his shoulder as she stated she was going to bring him water, but she was gone. Gods he prayed she could manage to keep herself together. Treating two patients was going to be a task enough… throwing his wife into the mix would be an added stressor none of them needed.

His attention turned to Bae-Syl as he curled around Lucy. He was frowning, though not in a protective dad mode at that moment. They both looked bad, and sounded bad, he realized, as the young man spoke in a hoarse tone. He had confirmed that Lucy was out in the storm and that he’d gone back out to get her after his hunt. His gaze slid towards the bison calf that had been overlooked on the way in. It was barely touched… also not a very good sign. His daughter had recklessly endangered herself and her friend… he knew she had more than enough time to get back here after walking here today before the rains. So why…?

“I’d be willing to agree with you if you were both suffering the same condition, Bae-Syl,” Gavroche’s ears had slipped back. “However, though it’s stopped bleeding you have an injury that hasn’t been properly treated. Lamb’s Ear, crushed like that, can help with swelling and irritation, but it’s virtually useless for an injury of that size. Even as a bandage it’s designed for scrapes. Had that injury been deeper or longer you could have been in some serious trouble before you even made it back here.” Despite what he said, Gav didn’t move. Healer or not, he would treat a patient that was unwilling. It would get neither of them anywhere… and with how Bae-Syl spoke he seemed determined that Lucy would be treated before he was even looked at. He could only hope to try and convince the male otherwise.

“The longer it’s left untreated the higher your risk for infection… and potentially death.” Unknowingly he was expressing Lucette’s concerns from the day prior. “A cold left untreated can suck, but generally, it’s not as threatening as not treating an open wound like that. You want to protect Lucy, right? How are you supposed to protect her if you’re dead?” Gav sighed. “At least let me tend to that first, then I’ll swap over to treating her before continuing with you. “ He was trying to offer a middle ground for them and compromise… but would Bae-Syl have any of it?

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Gavroche has one companion - a pygmy marmoset. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that he is close by.

As his mate and alpha, Bellamy is allowed in any of Gavroche's threads regardless of how they are marked.