
Lets Play Doctor




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
08-03-2022, 01:25 AM

Ciná stalked away from the bifrost, his tail stinging and aching from the assault is had taken and his mind reeling from the encounter in general. The wound around his tail was sure to be deep, but it was hard for him to tell on his own. He just knew that he was leaving a trail of blood as he tried to make his way back to Fenmyre. At the very least he knew there was a whole slew of healers there that could patch him up as long as he could just make it back over there before the blood loss got to him. Even still, he was having a hard time making himself care about his wounds more than he cared about whatever the hell that fight was. Everything felt like it had gone so fast. One minute he was stumbling across Ignis and confronting him over his oblivious, deflecting, neglectful ways and the next he was being attacked. He played it back so many times in the short walk from the bifrost to the edge of Fenmyre's territory, but even as he neared the border he still couldn't make heads or tails of it.

He started to slow as he neared the border, swaying slightly as his head began to spin a bit and he stopped as he leaned his shoulder against a tree just outside of Fenmyre's borders so he could catch his breath. Of all of the terrible, shitty things he could have guessed and expected from his father, somehow he never would have expected this. Yet somehow, the deep bite to his tail wasn't even the worst of it. That was just a painful inconvenience. What hurt the most was the calloused disregard for how Ignis' actions and inactions had affected him and the apology that had come right at the very end after he had already torn away his father's ear that had only confused him more. He sighed and remained leaning into the tree for a long moment, trying to muster up enough strength to just walk himself back to the island without having to call for help.
