

Tamsyn, Kane


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
08-03-2022, 02:11 AM
As Kane approached them she glanced up at her mate with a relieved smile until she felt Ash's paw grip tighter to her own. She looked back down to her daughter and gave her a measuring smile, giving her paw a gentle squeeze in return, silently trying to assure her that Kane was someone to be trusted. The way time had flown truly blew her mind. Asheila wouldn't know about Artorias' marriage, about her being with Kane or their litter together, about how Rudyard and Gwynevere had found love interests of their own... Or about Resin's death. Tamsyn very quickly brushed the thought from her mind so that it wouldn't effect her expression, making sure that the only emotion she showed to Ash in that moment was calm assurance and relief. She knew that she would have to tell Asheila what had happened in the time since her disappearance sooner rather than later, but for now her only focus was to get her stable and get her home. Once they did that then she could worry about breaking that news to her. Her heart was already aching at the thought, but it would have to be done.

Tamsyn's tail entwined with Kane's behind them as his rested over hers, taking his comfort gratefully as he got to work grinding up the yarrow he had collected into a paste he could put on her wounds. As always, his calming, comforting demeanor took center stage as he treated Ash, working with skilled paws to stem or stop the bleeding from her various wounds. Tam smiled when he mentioned how much she had spoken of her and looked back to Ashelia with a small nod, using her free paw to gently pet over the top of her daughter's head again, continuing to soothe her and reassure her as much as she could. She could tell from the look in Ash's pale blue eyes and the way her body responded to Kane's treatments that she was still very much on edge, but Tamsyn couldn't blame her. Whatever she had gone through in their time apart from one another had not been pleasant, of that she was certain, but she didn't knew exactly how deep that trauma ran just yet. As Kane asked Ash about what hurt the most and how she was feeling, Tam glanced to the wounds on her neck when Ash responded that her throat hurt the most. She didn't need to be a trained healer to know why her throat hurt so badly as she looked to where the ropes had been around her neck a few moments ago.

When Ash insisted that they needed to get out of here, she gave Ash's paw another squeeze and replied, "We will, darling, I promise. You're safe now. We just need to let Kane finish his work first so we can get you back to the castle." It was already going to be a difficult walk as it was in her condition. The least they could do was get the bleeding stopped and any dire wounds patched up before they got her on her paws. "I'm keeping an eye out for you, Ash. I won't let anyone else near you," she assured her, always keeping an eye and an ear out for anything around them. She wasn't the young, nimble fighter she had once been, but she was still fierce in battle when she needed to be and if anyone dared even look at Ash before she got her into the safety of the Hallows where she could recover and heal then Tam wouldn't hesitate to protect her daughter.

Tamsyn Carpathius of the Valley