
Finding a Spot to Call Home



Intermediate Fighter (40)

Novice Navigator (20)

4 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Overachiever
08-03-2022, 06:03 PM
D i m o s t h e n e s

Dimosthenes was following a river. It was wide and bright, shining in the sunlight that seemed so rare this spring. The sky was pure and sweet, with only a few puffy clouds dotting the blue. There was a hint of a breeze, but the sun was pleasantly warming his back as he walked. In short, it was a perfect day. Even shorter, it was exploring time! Dime hadn't checked out nearly as much of the continent as he wanted to. It wasn't necessary, but he wasn't beholden to any pack -- and probably never would want to be, despite... No, not despite anything. He liked being alone and free, not having to listen to any annoying brats that thought they were better than him. He held his liberty in very high consideration. Keeping it meant that at times like these, when he just felt like traipsing around from coast to coast on a whim, he could! He could just go! No one would need to be told or requested time away. No one cared where he went.

As he continued to follow the river, it began to diverge into several smaller streams, then again and again. The water rushed over in crooked paths that formed many tiny islands: some barely large enough for Dime to fit all four paws on, some big enough for a couple of wolves to hang out at a friendly distance from each other, all of them sandy, with a tree or two on some of the larger ones. Beyond one much larger, thickly forested island, he could see nothing but water, stretching far away to reach the horizon. The ocean. Must be.

He was so busy watching the waves peacefully ripple against the sky that he nearly missed the other wolf, who was on the large island. Dime wondered how easy it would be to get over there. He wasn't the best swimmer, but he wasn't bad. He knew the general premise and movements involved. He wanted to try, and he didn't like to tell himself no. He wasn't desperate. He just wanted to go see what that other guy was doing. Still, he was a bit nervous. He told himself that it was just because he didn't like to swim, but all the while, he had to admit that wasn't the truth. It had been a while since he'd spoken to anyone, and his stomach churned with butterflies at the thought of having to have a conversation. Would he be able to do it right?

He mentally shook himself. He wasn't scared. And even if he was, he was never the type to let his fears get in the way of exploring all of the possibilities before him. He stepped into the water, swimming from small island to small island until he had nothing left but the wide stretch between the large island and the nearest small one, which he was on. He crossed slowly but steadily, his paws eventually striking sand. Once on the shore, he shook out his fur vigorously, sending water spraying in all directions. He looked up. "Hey."
