
friend circle

bunni & skelle!



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-03-2022, 09:05 PM

Since Kunai’s arrival - albeit with him nearly dying of pneumonia and Usagi’s ankle having not been fully healed, the transition into pack life for the chimera male was, no doubt, a rocky one. That had been a few weeks ago - had time gone by so fast? - and while Kunai was on the mend, the hohei figured he was well enough for him and Roo to reunite and meet officially as well. After all, Kunai had mentioned he barely remembered a thing entering the bamboo maze that day, therefore he likely didn’t recall Kuroo recognizing him there as well. The three of them had played together before, back in Iga - frolicking in the village and play fighting, as children often did. They did a lot together, with so little to do when Usagi and Kuroo’s mother worked to provide them food and shelter, and Kunai’s parents being so disapproving and, well..mean. They helped Kunai have a place to belong, and the memories of those fond times remained in the flop-eared koi’s mind all these years. He was always a crabby creature, foul-tempered and quick to anger, but he cherished his childhood and hopes this reunion he decided to organize would be a pleasant one again. As it always had been when they met to play as kids.

The bay seemed like a more suitable place - the water calmly lapped the shores of the sandbank, and Kunai might’ve appreciated it being outside of the maze he was still learning to navigate. The night sky was open above their heads, the stars flickering in the swath of deep blue heavens. The warrior glanced up at the sky, his chest suddenly heavy as the memories once passed. Part of him was a little worried, what with he and Kunai having ties a bit deeper than what felt to be a normal friendship. Would that affect Kunai being friends with Kuroo? Would he still recognize his brother, even? The thoughts buzzed around in his head as he sat in the sand. His Akita had brought a set for tea, as Usagi surprisingly still remembered to make a nice pot of green tea as his mother made it. Piping hot, the teapot sat on a small, portable table, cups laid out on bamboo mats on the sand for each of them.

With that, Usagi sat on his haunches, tilted back his head, and called for his brother and Kunai.

”Speech”  ’Thought’

wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—