
Not Exactly "Glamping"




Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
08-03-2022, 11:24 PM

While Ike called for her mother, Remus nervously smoothed the fur on his chest with his paw, taking a breath to smooth his nerves. He tried to tell himself that there was no reason to be nervous, but the more he thought about how this was the leader of this important pack, someone with a lot of power and sway, and Ike's mother on top of everything else it was hard not to be a little nervous. He looked back to Ike once the call had gone out, taking in her reassuring smile and letting that calm him down some. It was all going to go fine and he wasn't going to make a fool of himself—or at least that's what he kept telling himself.

Eventually a very regal looking woman whose fur was all monochromatic like Ike's appeared from the pale forest in front of them and he knew immediately that she must be who they were waiting to see. She was surprisingly a little shorter than Ike, but her imposing demeanor most certainly made up for it. He could see the questioning look she gave Ike as she approached, but she didn't speak her question aloud. Instead she greeted Ike very formally and then turned her attention to him which was also something he hadn't really expected. It was weird hearing Ike referred to as Princess Kiyohime, but he didn't comment on it. He was much more worried about making a good impression and the last thing he felt like he should do is make some comment about Ike's name.

Realizing he should probably speak and introduce himself, he gave the Empress a polite bow of his head and said, "Hello. I'm Remus Armada. I've been friends with... with the Princess for a while now and I was hoping to join Ashen... if you'll have me." Was that alright? He honestly had no idea how this was supposed to go and he dared to give Ike a quick glance, trying to gauge from her expression if he was doing okay.

"Remus Armada"