
I only wanted the life I'd read about and dreamed



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-04-2022, 01:02 AM
The hunt with Raijin had been more than he expected, but he was successful in the end and procured a healthy meal for the Kaicho. It certainly wasn't the best he could offer, but it was the most he could do while he was still recovering and he wanted to make some kind of effort. He knew an explanation would be expected of him and he knew better than to wait for them to show up at Usagi's den. Perhaps whoever it was didn't even want a fresh kill for a surprise meal, but he worked with what he had and bringing him something someone else had hunted and prepared seemed just as bad if not worse than waiting on the Kaicho to come to him.

Kunai carried the animals body through the maze and tried to make it look easier than it was. It should've been easy, but he was more than out of shape since Usagi had found him washed up on that beach and with the last grip of the illness holding on with everything it had, it was hard. He hated admitting that he was weak and that he had feelings for someone he shouldn't, or had been told he shouldn't and to this day struggles still with knowing if he's wrong to dream.

He sighed and although he feared the worst, placed the meal down and called for the Kaicho. It would be sooner or later, so may as well get it over with. If he couldn't stay, then there was no sense in getting used to Usagi's warmth at night.


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