
Lab Protocol


10-10-2013, 07:10 PM

With the meeting, preparations for war, and imminent arrival of refugees, the King had been far too busy to pay much attention to his mentee lately, though he did regret it. He hoped the boy would understand, and wouldn't regret his earlier enthusiasm of being educated by the king himself. He lowered his leg, having previously lifted it along the borderline to reinforce the claim that had long ago been placed upon the kingdom. It was his job to ensure that no one would cross it without knowledge of its existence. As he neared another area to mark he noted the distant howl of Crucible. Ah, just the boy he'd been thinking of.

The King rounded the corner quite quickly, having come a long distance in a relatively short amount of time. His sides extended and contracted evenly as he slowed his pace to a halt a yard away from the boy. His head dipped gently as a sheepish smile crossed his lips. ?I apologize for not calling you sooner, Crucible. Regrettably I have been busy as usual.? Now he knew why his father had always been running about like a madman - being a King wasn't easy, and he was quite a few years younger than his father. ?But I am here now, and I'm sure you have much you'd like to discuss.? He would leave the floor open for Crucible to lead the conversation as he willed.
