
Mummy's And How To Make Them

Iki, Scylla, Keelin, Irilyth Healing Lesson


"Do not underestimate the power of the floppy ears!"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

5 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
08-04-2022, 01:32 AM
With their instructor now fully wrapped up like a veritable mummy of sorts, Satira couldn't help but giggle at the young boy's predicament. He looked positively trapped where he was and helpless to move! Their next instructions were easy enough: inspect and critique the work of the others, then cut him loose. Keelin went up first, inspecting Scylla's work with some witty banter about glaring at patients being beneficial at times. Tira would remember that for her more unruly future patients. Once Keelin had cut Ricin free, Satira stepped up, her folded ears bobbing with each movement. She approached Ricing and studied the neck brace Keelin made, looking it over and even gently turning Ricin's head this way and that to check the way the movements tugged at the brace.

"The neck brace looks pretty good," she said, giving an approving nod to the handiwork done by the older wolf. "It would do well for a patient who's stable and not moving. If we were transporting you, I might worry about the sticks breaking in transit though. I might suggest using a more sturdy piece of bark on the back of the neck and sticks at the side as supports. Less likely to break that way. The bandaging is good though, and you clearly can still breathe, so I'd say that's an A+!" Shooting Ricin a wicked smirk, Satira lifted one of her paws and, with a flick of her digits, extended her razor sharp cat claws. "Hold still, please," she instructed the blue boy before ever so carefully bringing her claws down to the edges of the bandaged at his throat. With deft precision, Satira cut through the fabric, slowly peeling it away until Ricin's neck was freed. With her work done, she smiled proudly and bounced back to her place, ears and tail bobbing all the way.
