
What did you expect from me?

Eden, Ignis



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
08-04-2022, 01:41 AM

What belonged to him. Those words alone ignited a rage within Bellamy. She had been speaking without knowledge. But those words confirmed a sense of ownership, and hate bubbled up within Bellamy at the thought of it. The image of a younger Ignis, the one she remembered, the one before, began to twist before her eyes. It became more sinister, more feral, no different than those who had taken it all from her. Those who wanted the beast, those that got a killer, one that was not going to back down. She knew she was wrong, some sick creature that would harm even the unborn. The part of her that Gavroche loved, the part of Bells that was still her would have never thought to do such a thing. But in this state, paranoid, feral, lashing out, she was beyond that point of being saved. Beyond that wolf that her mate had seen. She was lost, and though she fought her mind it was a battlefield both within herself and against Ignis.

Ignis’ next words however were a dagger to her heart. Acere made a mistake… they were words she had thought herself over and over again. Wondering how such a kindhearted leader could exist. He had shown her mercy, kindness… had she deserved it? Those words cut deeper than any wound he’d be able to give her in that fight. She screamed within herself. Acere had been soft, yes, but he had been a damned good man who didn’t deserve what he had gotten. He hadn’t deserved to fall! He hadn’t! The demon’s words and laughter played with her fragile mind as her mind and body fought to make any sort of sense of what was going on.

The fact of the matter was she didn’t see Ignis in armor. Hell, she barely saw him anymore as her mind twisted and distorted his form before her. No longer wolf-like the crimson beast had become like darkness itself, twisting its tendrils to the heavens as it charged her.

How did one fight darkness itself?

Bellamy felt the knife slide against something, though when it all appeared to be darkness she wasn’t sure what it had hit. The thing kept coming, and as she thrust her head upward in the attempt for another swing, she felt pressure hit her chest below her throat. A grunt slipped past her lips around the blade, but Bellamy held onto it as if her life depend on it. No doubt there’d be some nasty bruising to her chest later with a direct hit like that. But for now, though it caused her to fault two steps back, she did not back down. The hallucination of Ignis continued to twist and distort before her eyes, its red eyes glowing and becoming many. It was strong, gods it was strong…

…Maybe it’d kill her.

Bellamy swung again, toward the same direction he’d gone with his fangs. She cut closer towards herself in an attempt to get at his face where the helmet ended again, not that she saw that anymore. She even lifted the leg that he was attacking, stomping it forth in a wild attempt at landing on his own forepaw and smashing the toes. She could feel her vision swim as she felt fangs slice her shoulder. She didn’t know if her attack made any contact. She could feel herself starting to fade out.

This was bad…

"Talk, 'Think.'

Bellamy vs Ignis for Minor Maim {Additional Facial Scarring - Across his muzzle down below his right eye. Potentially up to two lacerations in this area over the course of the fight.}
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Offensive Battle Accessory: Bone dagger
Defensive Battle Accessory: Snow leopard cape
Companion 1: Tasmanian Devil, Male - Battle [Not Present]
Companion 2: American Badger, Female - Battle [Not Present]
Skills: Expert Fighter & Novice Intellectual
Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.