
Grassy take down




Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
08-04-2022, 05:17 AM
Ike had her moment of distraction, but she was still more child than woman and confusing feelings were easily brushed aside as she shook herself to regain her composure. She didn’t notice that Remus had seen her blushing cheeks. He didn’t bring attention to the tension between them so Shuriken could put all of her focus into the hunt that lay before them. There was a task at hand and Ike wouldn’t let anything get in her way, even if the urge was stronger than even she had ever expected.

She told Remus about her observations, the two species they had to pick from and tried to get him to weigh in, but there was no decision made as he returned her words. Ike was the one leading this expedition, and he was going to make sure that remained the case. She gave him one more glance as her mismatched paws carried her forward through the grass. The care free look he wore bolstered her confidence, he was ready to follow and back her up wherever they went. Part of her knew that fact went much deeper than this little hunt.

"Alright. Lets try for the mulies.” She decided with a confidence that wasn’t often stirred within her. So Ike led the pair of them through the grasses, her joints were bent so the tall grass would hide the way she crept through the grass. Thankfully they were heading into the wind, so they had two advantages. When they were finally close enough to peek at the beasts from the grass she realized she was mistaken. There were no does or fawns, but instead they found a bachelor herd. Their antlers were gone so she couldn’t accurately tell their ages, but there was one with a silver marked face and slight limp. A buck long past his prime, and ripe for their larder. "Let's start running them, the old one will quickly fall behind and we can make our move.” She whispered, her dual toned gaze meeting his before she led the pair of them forward, bursting from the grass at the last moment to take the deer by surprise.

"Kiyohime Shuriken Ōritsu Abraxas"