
Love Me or Hate Me




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Hunter (155)

9 Years
Extra large

Mammoth HunterPride - BisexualBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019Promptober 2019
08-04-2022, 07:51 AM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2022, 07:51 AM by Corvus. Edited 1 time in total.)
Life after Abaven was quiet. So many of the wolves that had once called those lands their home had since dispersed, some most likely still staying close to where he and Twig still called home while others were yet to be accounted for. Unfortunately he hadn't been able to find Theory yet, though he wouldn't stop trying as long as he was able to. Balancing his life with Twig and wanting to stay close to where they'd lived for so long now was a priority though, despite his semi-frequent trips away from home to try to catch wind of where Theory had headed, though it'd been awhile since he'd encountered her scent.

Still, he had hope. Though he tended to be a cynic even on his best days, generally preparing himself for the worst, he knew he had to try to be optimistic about his future a a whole. He still had Twig, and he knew Theory was out there somewhere. He just had to hope he'd find answers once he finally reunited with her. The alternative - not finding her or knowing her eventual whereabouts - was too much for him to consider as a possibility.

Today it felt particularly hard to keep his chin up though, especially as the day drew to a close and the clouds darkened overhead. Rain seemed to be on the horizon but it was hard to tell how soon it was due to begin. Corvus drew his attention to the sky and spent a long moment deliberating on his next move. Perhaps it was time to make his way back to his den. He'd planned on doing some fishing but daylight was rapidly fading and he wasn't sure nighttime fishing was on his agenda.

Neither was running into someone he hadn't seen in years, though as soon as his ex-friend's familiar scent reached his nose he had to give pause. Him being here was no longer a threat like he'd once feared it had been; there were so many things he found his mind straying to in his past, especially these days, but he'd kept Ignis at a safe distance in his memories. At least until now. The emotions that suddenly flooded back to him had dulled over time but they were still present and very real - all the hurt and betrayal and confusing longing hadn't fully gone away, it'd only grown quieter.

A sigh fell from his lips as he moved to gross the plains, overtaken by a curiosity he knew better than to try to sate. But as he drew closer he swore he smelled what could only be fresh injuries, and though he knew better he couldn't help but feel worry, even after the years that had passed. He was slow to approach when he finally saw him, keeping a safe distance but very much making his presence known, though he was silent as he fought to get a better look at Ignis from a distance, the sun sinking and casting both of their shadows across the grass.