
Something Amiss

Welcome to anyone in Menagerie, if desired



7 Years
Toy size

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
08-04-2022, 01:34 PM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2022, 01:39 PM by Gavroche. Edited 1 time in total.)

That much Gav had suspected, not that he’d expected help from the brunette at all. She had her pack, Menagerie, to tend to. While he and Bells had become guests in the end they were still loners. They weren’t her people. Yet… Yet Wren still offered to do what she could, much to Gavroche’s surprise. He scrambled to his paws, leaving the companions behind, as he trailed after the woman. He wasn’t sure what they’d find, or where Bellamy might have gone. To those in the Gorge, it would merely look as though she beelined further north… which, little did Gavroche know, she was already on the move away from the first location she was in.

His stomach twisted in knots and he felt guilt starting to bubble to the surface. Was this his fault? Had he not been helping his mate enough? Wren spoke again and Gavroche glanced at her. “I’m… not entirely sure where she would have gone… Maybe the south again? Our daughter and her friend are still there…” Gavroche whimpered. “It’s rare for her to leave me for more than a few hours, so if she’s missing…” He felt his stomach flip again. “...Typically she just… shuts down… She’s a fighter, yes, but not normally violent… she’s been strongly against hurting those she hasn’t had to for years…” His gaze lowered.

“I’m… sorry we didn’t tell you before…” His voice had gotten quiet. “I thought she was doing better, that the herbs I was using were helping…” His heart ached in his chest. “I don’t know enough about how to treat trauma. Physical wounds are one thing… mental ones are another…” Gavroche got quiet for a moment.

“I don’t know if you or anyone else will believe me… but Bells isn’t as bad as she might seem. She has this sort of… presence and confidence… but that’s not her. Not really… She’s surprisingly soft and sensitive… I feel like she only uses fighting as a shield, a way to protect herself… so others don’t try to hurt her again…” He sighed. His gaze traveled the tree line. Bellamy didn’t want to be a monster. She needed help, not scorn… and the more that turned away from her… Gav felt his heart pang again. What if she gave up? Started lashing out?

Would anyone ever believe him that wasn’t how Bellamy really was? That she didn’t like the thought of hurting others? He knew she wasn’t a monster. Monsters didn’t regret. Monsters didn’t have nightmares about what they’d done and mourn for the innocent… but…

…Maybe this was a mistake…

…maybe neither of them was actually meant to be happy…

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Gavroche has one companion - a pygmy marmoset. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that he is close by.

As his mate and alpha, Bellamy is allowed in any of Gavroche's threads regardless of how they are marked.