
Grassy take down




Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

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5 Years
Dire wolf
08-04-2022, 01:46 PM (This post was last modified: 08-04-2022, 01:46 PM by Shuriken. Edited 1 time in total.)
Remus gave no disagreement as she made her decision to take on the deer instead of the antelope. Remus was making himself more of an extension of herself than he was another wolf. He gave her full command and seemed to move just as she did. He crouched in the grass, following her lead before she brought his attention to the herd of deer they were following. Again, he accepted her plan with ease, she would fly or fall by her own measure and not from Remus’ interference.

The two of them continued to creep along until they were as close as possible, adding a startle to the beginning of their assault. Then everything happened almost all at once. Mule like ears fell to the deer skulls as they took flight and adrenaline burst through her veins like their prey burst through the grasses. The two dire wolves took off behind them, putting on a burst of speed but slowing afterwards. They didn’t have to run them too hard to reach their goal. Sooner rather than later the old buck would falter.

They reached the stream before it tripped or worse, and the younger stags leapt the gap with no problem. The elder was left hesitating, the debate between potentially breaking a leg, and facing teeth anyway caused enough of a pause for Remus to grab their prey. Ike was hot on his tail and as the deer was pulled ot the ground she was there to skillfully dispatch their prey with little struggle. It might have been the smoothest hunt she had ever been a part of.

Panting the Princess leaned back onto her haunches, pride filling her breast as she caught her breath and looked up to Remus. The evidence of her kill plain in the smile on her face as much as the blood stains decorating her fur.

"Kiyohime Shuriken Ōritsu Abraxas"