
Hip-Hip, Hipporay!



Master Hunter (270)

Expert Intellectual (215)

An icon representing the specialty Beast Master Beast Master

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-05-2022, 03:09 AM
Corbie was warmed by the confidence these wolves showed in her despite the unusual nature of the circumstances. She'd never really led anyone before that season, except sheep and her companions, so these hunts had been something of a revelation for her in skills she'd never known she possessed. The other wolves didn't hesitate to add their own ideas, either, to make for a better plan, and she nodded with an encouraging smile at Asmodeus as he braced a spear, and the brindle stranger who took a smaller spear from Ayer. She was glad they were all comfortable enough with her to speak up and modify her plan, and not feel the need to go along with it precisely just because she had spoken up first and therefore got to keep tyrannical control over the hunt. She accepted her own spear from the kinkajou, but set it down on her paws to be able to speak. "All right, this is it. We'll drive it towards the braced spears, and if we're lucky it will run itself right on them." A nod to them all, a quickly added "good luck", and she picked up her spear clamped firmly in her teeth to circle around the hippo. She was careful to try to stay a distance from it and out of its sight with the mangroves between them, until she was at the point where it was between her and Deus' team, then she leaped from the foliage to jab the sharpened spear at its beady eyes. Without deep water to buoy its bulk and aid it in moving, it was even odds whether it would stand and fight anyway or try to make a break for it in the hopes of finding the water that would give it the advantage.
unless otherwise stated, Corbie's kinkajou companion is with her at all times