
I Should Have Seen This Coming


10-10-2013, 07:42 PM

Alaria snapped her jaws shut with an audible click, perplexed. A simple snarl would normally be enough to scare off a non-threatening wolf, but this male would not take it. He was surprised that she reacted so violently, that she could see. However, he seemed like a stubborn one. Realizing that she couldn't drive him off by ordinary methods, Ria resigned herself to deal with him until he realized how far gone she was. At the height of her desperation, Alaria didn't think anyone would be able to bring out the happy, carefree young wolf she used to be. "I do not wish you harm, miss... and I can see in your eyes you really don't want to hurt me either." His words gave Alaria more than pause. How perceptive could he really be? Did she actually want to hurt him? Alaria searched deep within herself for the answer. No, she didn't. However, if it came down to either her hurting him or him hurting her, Alaria would protect herself at all costs. But he didn't seem to want to hurt her, not in the slightest. So was Alaria willing to risk it? Was she really willing to risk getting her heart ripped out once again? Maybe.

The brute sat down softly, proving once more to Alaria that he did not want to hurt her. Cautiously, ever so cautiously, Alaria sat down as well. Despite her slight show of trust, Ria kept her guard up nearly all the way. She let it down just a bit, but there was no way she'd let it down completely. That would be asking for him to tear her apart, piece by piece. Then something completely unexpected happened: the brute asked Alaria if he could find her some food. That was it; Alaria was utterly and completely confused. This wolf didn't remotely fit the mold that Ria knew most every wolf fit nowadays. Alaria lost almost all pretenses of defense, her ears pricking back up and her hackles laying flat once more. The only sign that she was still ready for anything was the tense set of her shoulders and back.

"Um.. No, I'm not hungry." Actually, she had no idea when she had last eaten, and she didn't particularly care. She'd hunt when she felt the hunger pains. Or maybe she wouldn't. Who knows?

Alaria was far from used to dealing with kindness, and she had no idea how to respond. The only thing she could think of to get rid of him would be to act as rude as she possibly could, but she just.. Couldn't. There was something about him, this Kar, as he said his name was. Alaria didn't know what it was, and she didn't know how to react. But as her amber orbs met his lime ones, she knew that he saw her. And not just her physical form. He saw what was broken inside of her, and she could tell that he wanted to fix it. The only question was, was she going to let him?

"My name is Alaria."
