
how old do you think these are?




Master Intellectual (330)

Master Hunter (335)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble Master1KPride - Gay
08-05-2022, 02:15 PM (This post was last modified: 08-05-2022, 02:19 PM by Kuroo. Edited 1 time in total.)

The moment he realized what he had done, he pulled away. Sucking in a deep breath as his face flung back from their embrace, his eyes grew wide. Still standing over her, quite breathless, Kuroo listened. He felt stuck. Frozen in place as his body hovered over hers. Even as she giggled, seemingly having enjoyed what he had done, his brow furrowed. She liked him? His eyes narrowed, unsure of how his body felt. Electricity crackled through him as he slowly moved to not be standing over Sayuri anymore. Trying to catch his breath, trying to make sense of the last five seconds, he closed his eyes as he sat his butt on the forest floor.

"I..," he gave his head a shake as his ears flattened. But what about Sverre? What did she mean she liked him? Confusion pounded into his brain. "I apologize for what I just did," Kuroo's voice is hoarse as his jaw clenches together. "I don't know. I need time," was he really saying what he was saying? He was turning her down? The first wolf to ever confess more than platonic feelings for him and he was just not going to return it? He wasn't even sure if he did or not! He had to confess the truth.

"See," Kuroo started as he finally willed himself to open his eyes and look at her. Boy, it was hard. "There's this other wolf and I-I'm not sure if I also have feelings for them. But I also... you, Sayuri," okay so words were difficult. Blinking quickly, it was the only way he could force himself to not look away. "I don't want to hurt you, but I also don't want to hurt him. This is my first time ever really liking anyone, let alone two different wolves. I've only ever cared about my job and my family and the pack and now this... It's a lot, you know? Oi, what did I get myself into?" He brought a paw up to his forehead and smacked it a few times with a disappointed sigh. "I do feel something for you, but I don't want to ruin anything if I also have feelings for this other wolf," admitting this was so hard...


[Image: Kuroo-Fishies1.png]
kuroo's tamarin, saru, should be assumed near/on him at all times.