
Fading Waterfalls




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (105)

4 Years
08-05-2022, 09:05 PM
Terra captures Lotus’s gaze, her own emerald eyes trying to express everything she feels since words are failing her. Uncertainty rolls across her gentle features like an ocean wave as she reads the embarrassment in the icy boy’s body. A small smile is given before she allows her gaze to fall to where her paw rests over his and she gives his bigger one a small squeeze. To her great surprise, Lotus adds his other paw to the pile and returns her squeeze with his own, gentle one. Eyes shoot up to recapture his gaze as a weak smile plays across her dark lips.

He speaks and his words make the smile take root and grow, the doubt melting away to leave in its place happiness. The smile that Lotus gives her has Terra’s heart fluttering as he pulls his paws back and she blinks to refocus on their surroundings. Oh right, the meat. Without a word, she stands and helps to carry the meat to the tree, hoisting it so Lotus can hang the meat over the branches. Nodding when he suggests hunting, the earthen girl asks, “Lotus… what awaits us in the North? Is it… scary?”

Emerald eyes watch him as they finish hanging the meat, and he turns to her. His question has Terra shaking her head in the negative and she shuffles her paws as she asks, “Do you want me to sleep over there?” A paw lifts to point at a bush nearby before falling back to the ground, the doubt back in every movement she makes. Part of her hopes that he will suggest they curl up together, the girl wants to suggest it herself but she does not overstep. Emerald eyes look the icy boy, waiting for his instructions with hope burning deep in her gaze.

"Terra Qilaq"

Lotus is allowed in any of Terra's threads, regardless of tag