
Hip-Hip, Hipporay!



3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipDouble Master1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3
08-06-2022, 02:00 AM
The plan had been decided, the spears carefully carved, and every gathered wolf appeared to be on the same page. Deus still maintained his position that his inexperience with using a spear would be more dangerous then it would prove useful, but Corbie and the others did not seem to be bothered by his refusal to wield one. The yearlings each gathered weapons of their own, and the red latecomer grabbed a specially modified one to try and make the hippo bite down upon. With the hunting party ready, they set off to circle and surprise the hippo.

The closer Deus got, the larger the beast appeared. It may not have rivalled the giraffe, but he could see why this was a prey animal that took more then a handful of wolves to down. He began to harass it, barking loudly and snapping his teeth to drive it in the direction of their spear trap, moving light on his feet to ensure he could cut it towards where he wanted it to go as well as keep out of range of it's massive and dangerous bite. The hippo began to flee as the wolves circled it, but not at any speed high enough to conveniently impale itself upon the trap. Deus continued his harassment, pushing it in further toward the spears until it was enclosed in a sharp semi-circle, allowing the spear-wielders to press in and pressure it further without it being able to flee.