
Hip-Hip, Hipporay!



1 Year
Dire wolf

Samhain 20221K
08-06-2022, 02:05 AM (This post was last modified: 08-06-2022, 02:22 AM by Mitros. Edited 1 time in total.)
While the adults talked strategy, Mitros and his brother had finished setting up the spear trap in the ground and he began to busy himself by thwacking his stick against Lotus'. They did not get to mock battle long before the hunt began, and Mitros moved on alongside Corbie with confidence that as long as he followed her movements, it'd all turn out okay. The stick in his mouth was weird and uncomfortable, but the range in which it provided made him more daring and bold. He jabbed out with the spear as best as he could as the wolves harassed the hippo inward, landing a sharp blow against it's tough fat that felt like it had recoiled back into his throat. Not comfortable.

Regardless of is ineptitude, the yearling pressed on with enthusiasm. Bleeding the beast with the spear felt like success, even if there was no blood to be found upon his own tooth and claw. More than once he considered that he should probably be intimidated by the prey animal's weight and might, but on the back of other successful hunts beneath Corbie, Mitros looked at the hippo no differently then he'd look at a deer. Very quickly had his head swollen with ego - there was not a creature in the world he could not kill, and this hunt would prove it.

The beast was tiring quickly with the wolves upon it, and the latecomer who was firey red with his unique short stick advanced. Mitros did not understand what he was doing until it had already happened, but jamming that sharpened stick into the hippo's splayed jaw was probably one of the bravest things he'd ever seen. And coolest. And bloodiest. The thing collapsed and Mitros was forced to jump to the side to avoid the weight of it's bulk. With awe in his wide eyes, he watched it succumb to the fatal impalement Red had imposed upon it.

[Note: Checked with Tea on future actions to PP the kill for skill claim purposes!]