
The silence is deafening


10-10-2013, 08:30 PM

AN INSATIABLE RAGE BOILED IN THE CHASM OF KARMEN'S BREAST, brewing like witches' poison, bubbling and spitting like hellfire. The miniscule charm that touched her face had vanished, and what remained was a narrowing set of green eyes and a tightening set of lips. She had had enough of his meaningless words - like he knew what loyalty meant. Like he knew what beauty was. He had fallen in love with a leader who would rather abandon ship than see through to the end. She glanced at Morgana, who had arrived with the same wicked intentions as the golden nymph did, and if it was more of an appropriate time, Karmen would admire the wrath that coiled in her words, but her direct focus was on the unknown stranger and the pathetic excuse for a queen.

"A captain who does not sink with their ship is far from admirable." Her gaze lingered on the mismatched wolf before floating to Ozz, where it narrowed as she turned her face in disgust. In the mean while, the male's blabbering had to be stopped.
"Boy, cease your stupid prattle or with God as my witness I swear to cut your tongue where you stand." Her voice was still smooth, liquid like rum, sweet until it hits your stomach with an unforgettable burn. Unlike the ignorant man in front of her, she had come to terms with her immoral self and came to this meeting seeking a bloodbath.

talking to you

OOC: warning ~ the only reason I haven't started a fight is because I knew dragon didn't want to fight? and i respect that BUT basically Karmen's ready to kick some ass and she won't hold back on the next post so i thought i'd warn dragon, fyi.