A little lonely child am I
[P; Beau]
Ephemeral was quite intent upon getting himself into the burrow that it took the other wolf speaking to him for the youth to realize that he was no longer alone. "No hungy." The boy said with a shake of his head. "Fluff friend. We play. Gots find." Because Ephy truly believed that everything he saw was a potential friend for him that wanted to play with him. It was typically the creatures of the land that he ended up playing with since his mother kept them clear of most other wolves. There was the occasional loner that they had ran into but his mother was always quick to vacate the area once she became aware of the loner.
"Where hole?" The yearling asked, his tail wagging excitedly at this new bit of information. If he could find this new hole then he could find his rabbit friend and win the game. Not that winning was really all that important to Ephy. Moreso he just wanted to continue to play. He hadn't even paused to consider that the rabbit had actually been trying to get away from him and wasn't playing a game. He hadn't even considered that his rabbit friend could possibly even be considered food.