
cliff diving



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-06-2022, 08:57 PM

For Beauregard, the day had started out the same as most in Menagerie. He welcomed the routine of checking on Tanelan and slipping into a morning patrol. It wasn’t something that Wren had asked him to do, but the Mage felt the need to do it anyway. It made him feel useful, happy that he could be doing something that could protect his pack. A pack that he had been there for since the beginning. He was proud to be in Menagerie, and be a member under Wren and Mercury. In his mind he had made the right choice; this was his home now and he’d do anything to defend it.

Ears were perked forward as he made his way through the paths of the Gorge, at least until Trill came flying toward him in a pack. He blinked with surprise, tilting his head to the side as she was trying to say something. “What’s got you so riled, friend? It’s not Tan, is it?” He had come to know of at least two others that lived in, and kind of were, Tanelan. One of which was considered dangerous, the other not, so hopefully Mika hadn’t popped out? But no, Trill was shaking her head wildly.

“No Beau! A bird! A really big bird!”

Beauregard didn’t know what she was on about. A hawk? An eagle maybe? Still, as Trill took off to lead him to what she had seen Beau followed after her quietly. It was probably just big to her, that was all. Who bird could potentially be a threat to a wolf?

Except, when Beauregard stepped beyond the safety of the trees into a more open area his jaw dropped and he froze.

Okay, yeah, Trill was right…

That was a big bird.

A really, really big bird…

It towered over his own height and the boy had always thought he was on the taller side of things. His tail lowered between his legs instinctively; he was a fighter but there was no way he’d last in a fight against that thing alone if it turned out dangerous.

Wren’s words about their borders came to mind and Beauregard tried to steel his courage as he approached the bird. He didn’t know what it was, or if it even spoke the common tongue, but it didn’t hurt to try, right?

“E-Excuse me…” He cleared his throat. “You’re on the pack territory of Menagerie. Are you friend or foe?” Trill had winged back to stay near him, her small, beady eyes uncertain of the larger avian.

"Speech," 'Thought.'