
cliff diving



Intermediate Intellectual (30)

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1 Year

Pride - Bisexual
08-06-2022, 10:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-07-2022, 10:56 PM by Sybil. Edited 1 time in total.)

Sybil had felt like she was floating on air these past few days. Her first assignment, and one to determine pack relations no less! An excited and anxious hurricane roared within her, but she'd let no one see it. She doubted her capabilities to hide it however, so she did what she always did when dealing with complicated emotions, go for a walk.

The gorge always whistled, but it never seemed to sing the same tune. It could be grating at times, uplifting, a gentle calming hum. She never got bored of it, never sick of the sound. Maybe she just wasn't the overly sensitive type, or maybe, if she was being sentimental, she already thought of the gorge as home. If so, it was subconscious, since Sybil had a terrible habit of keeping everything and everyone at arms length. Except Wren apparently, but she had already classified their friendship as a disaster in the making, and the dominoes had already begun to fall. To retract herself was futile, she would see this to its end.

Freezing wind whipped at her fur at her place between the towering walls, even with her coat she found she preferred being above. She was considering following a path upwards when she caught sight of a massive silhouette descending, disappearing into the treeline. She was close enough to know that it was no ordinary eagle. Fear shot through her. If this avian was a big as she first assumed, then it would be able to hunt things much larger than rabbits. She ran towards where it landed, seeking to either confirm or deny her fears before reporting back.

She was not the first on the scene however, fellow apprentice beauregard already facing the creature. Her heart jumped to her throat. Even though he was training to become a fighter, he'd have little chance against the beast, and neither would she. If things turned south, would he be able escape? would they both? He appeared to talk to the bird, nervousness clear in his voice. It would be a hopeless endeavour she thought, if the bird chose to take him as it's prey. But to her surprise, the bird talked back. She could hear his words clearer now from her place, and she was so baffled by this turn of events that she stood in shock. This bird is called Zephyrus. He lives in Auster. His family is visiting the Armada.

Gathering herself and her thoughts as much she could, she cleared her throat. "Hello Beauregard, Zephyrus." She greeted both with as natural a smile she could manage. "Yes, this gorge is ours, but we are always open to visitors." She wondered if she should retract the last statement, lest the bird start depleting their supply of food or their supply of wolves."Family? are there more of you?"
