
D to the E, to the L-I-C-I-O-U-S



08-07-2022, 12:05 AM

Ngurulivu waited with bated breath for a stranger. She was hoping that it wouldn’t come to a confrontation… just because she had managed to last in a friendly spar against the pretty koi-marked lady didn’t mean she would be able to handle any threat. She was calm, however, and would take each moment as it came. To lose her head would be losing half the battle already, and, though her previous experiences with others sneaking around in the darkness weren’t exactly the best, she wanted to offer a small benefit of the doubt for whoever was there.

A stranger poked her head out of the bushes and my, what a strange one she was. Twigs and leaves stuck to her fur as she spoke, referring to herself in what Ngurulivu believed was third-person. Medusa. She meant no harm, looking for food. Nuru relaxed at this information, her sky blue gaze softening. She was hungry, that was all, and she had been sneaking because she didn’t want to scare off the deer. So she wasn’t the only one hunting that night.

“Whitetail deer, yes, I can smell them as well. I was also hunting them.” The luminescent glow of the water and moss illuminated Medusa enough for Ngurulivu to get a decent look at her. Even with the twigs and leaves sticking out of her fur like that she was kind of cute and hell, even better, looked about Nuru’s age. Surely a bit of playful flirting wouldn’t hurt?

“Well cutie pie, what do you say? Do you want to team up and take one of these suckers down? I don’t know about you, but I’d feel a heck of a lot better once I’m shoving food in my face.” Next to a cute girl to boot. Besides, working with someone else would make this job much easier too. She was big, but depending on the size of the deer, well, her chances were just as good of it getting away if she worked alone.


Tracked and kill any medium prey animal (Whitetail Deer) - 0 / 3

"Talk, 'Think.'