
materials to add to my wrists


"Certified Best Bird"

The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (305)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

2 Years
Paleo species

Samhain 2022Critical Fail!Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaHomebody1K
08-07-2022, 12:33 AM

The man seemed quite startled by Zephyr's sudden appearance, but picked himself up with practiced (and clearly fake) confidence. The raptor bobbed his head in amusement at the wolf's recovery, maintaining his prideful grin as Artisan approached. Wow, this wolf really knew how to curse. Zephyrus blinked rapidly at the foul language, but managed to wave it off as one of those weird, Boreas-wolf customs. He almost felt bad for spooking the man, especially once he leaned his head against the stones and sighed.

So they had the same intentions when they'd both come to the runestones then. "I can help!" Zephyr offered cheerfully, hopping down off the rock and catching the air beneath his wings for a smooth landing. "I wanted to grab some glowy stuff too, for my mom. My name is Zephyrus, I live in the castle nearby!" Reaching up with one talon and stabilizing his unbalanced weight with his wings, the raptor began to gently scrape at the stone, testing the hardness of it and how easily it gave. Whatever it was made of, it did not seem to break beneath his claw as easily as something like gold might. Again and again he hopped between the stones, checking each of them to see if one was more easily broken then another, and scraping the lower-carved runic shapes with a careful claw tip. Odd, nothing transferred. It was almost as if the stones were not creating a glow at all, but reflecting the glow of another.


Zephyrus is a young Argentavis Magnificens. He is 6'4" (77") with a wingspan of 21'6" (258").

Zephyr has a binturong named Frigg with dexterous (mutated) paws, a cottonmouth snake named Wraith with enhanced (mutated) infrared sight,
and a violent and unpredictable honey badger named Thor.
While threading outside of Hallows' territory, you can assume his companions are always nearby.

Artorias and Briar are welcome in any of his threads regardless of tag while he is underage.