
a caustic, fleeting thing




Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years

OverachieverScarredTeacherCritical Dodge!Double MasterSamhain 2022
1KCritical Attack!
08-07-2022, 01:42 AM
It had always taken two of Hazel's steps to match Seer's one, but this was different. This wasn't because she was short, and this wasn't a matter of simply moving faster to keep up.
No, this was different in a way that she wasn't the biggest fan of. Different in that, even though she wanted to truly keep up, Sirius was moderating his pace to keep time with hers. The Warlord's heart was good, and he seemed to be doing it in a way that wouldn't draw as much attention, but Hazel knew. She could tell.

It was Azure's decision. Lis's dad was an intimidating presence within the pack, and honestly? It made Hazel want to prove herself to him even more. Not that she'd say that part out loud. He seemed to her that, despite interacting with him directly, he barely even acknowledged her presence within the pack. He'd see, someday. She'd make sure of that. Again, not that Hazel would give that thought voice... but yeah, she'd show him. She'd show him that she was a worthy member of this pack... and maybe this family, too, even though she wasn't blood.

Though she was already beginning to ache in ways that she wasn't accustomed to, Hazel was beginning to feel better. At the question of rank, she could feel the spark in her chest begin to light once more. "I'm going to be the General, some day." She looked to the Warlord, this time in earnest. No mischief... Hazel was serious. She'd killed a grown man as a yearling, that had to spell big things... even if it haunted her, now. "I feel like I lost so much time where I should have been training, it's driving me crazy." But still, as they walked and talked, she could already feel the fatigue coming on. "Even while I'm like... like this. I want to learn more, big picture stuff and all." It's an admission, one that she hasn't been awake for long enough to make in the last few weeks. There had to be more things she could learn, more theory things... right?
