
I've swallowed myself but the fever remains




Expert Fighter (201)

Advanced Hunter (60)

4 Years
Extra large

08-07-2022, 02:27 AM

Our lives are made in these small hours

Perhaps he shouldn't of asked. She seemed more distressed at the thought he saw demons, or what she called dreamends. He remembered what luce had told him. He waited though for her to finish her tirade. Shaking his head he moved and placed his front paw on her uninjured shoulder.

She was going to go into an episode if she kept this up he felt. "Calm yourself Bellamy, then I will tell you about the one I call my demon." he would wait calmly. She needed to breath and stop writhing.

He moved to sit next to her and slowly moved to clean her wound. Luce would kill him if he didn't make sure it was clean and whatnot. So while she hopefully calmed herself he cleaned her wound. He didn't care if she protested, his mother had been a healer and her own mate and daughter were healers so the likelihood that she would get away with a dirty wound was nigh impossible.

Only once he was satisfied did he stop, though unlike luce when she had cleaned his wound he didn't look disgusted. He had tasted blood and meat from wolves before, and he had a feeling Bellamy would be able to connect the dots one day anyway so he swallowed not even caring.

Once her wound was clean he sighed and looked at her. When he determined she was calmed somewhat he would start. His eyes traveled to his demon, where she sat almost curling about him now. "You heard her voice mingle with mine the day I threatened you over Lucy..... She's always there and has been since I was born. I call her my demon, and her eyes are so deep red they match that of blood. I've never given her a name, mom said if I did I would give her power over me. She's tall and furless, all muscle and vaguely canine." he spoke quietly almost like a man who was losing a battle. He was acknowledging her and that in itself wasn't good according to his mother.

"I dont think your dreamends and my demons are so different, my family believes that our demons and us are one in the same though. And I see more than just her but the rest are like shadows in my vision. They all keep their distance, aware she has a claim on me, that I am hers to keep for eternity. That i would be her vessel if I didn't fight back." he moved his eyes to Bellamy then. He was about to admit something horrible to her maybe. But he felt like she needed to know, know that she wasn't alone.

"I almost stopped fighting her... but then I found Lucy..... I fight now not for myself, but for her. If I stopped, I couldn't imagine the pain I would inflict on her. My demon, she has threatened Lucy, I cant let her do it. And you, you can't stop trying, imagine the pain you would put on luce and Gav.... they love you, you know that." he couldn't fix Bellamy but maybe he could help.

He had to wonder if this was somehow guilt over attacking him though. Or if she really had a sickness and was seeing demons like he did.

Walk, "talk", Think

These little wonders these twists and turns of fate

Art by Asena

As his best friend and personal medic, Lucette is allowed to enter Bae-Syl's threads as she sees fit. That being said Bae-Syl is her self appointed protector and might enter threads with her in them to ensure her safety.