
Yo Momma



10-10-2013, 10:02 PM

The pale dame would not realize her company until she was surprise by his bounding leaps. The sound of the crashing waves had distracted her from the sound of approaching feet, she would be relieved as she realized that the man held a wide grin across his features. His tail would wag with incredible speed as she realized how harmless the man was. Instinctively she would return the excited grin, though there was an obvious amount more of exhaustion. She was very worn from the days travels, but she would be happy to stop and talk to the excited young man.
He would greet her breathlessly, Song would assume he had just sprinted across the whole of the beach! He would bound around her as her lope was obviously slower than his bouncy run, ?Hi! Whatchadoin? Are you lost? Smile! It?s a beautiful day!? With hardly a chance to get a word in she would just giggle and wait for his quick questions to end. "Well, hello!" She would greet just as enthusiastically, he slightly reminded her of the pups she was going home to. "Oh I'm just on my way home, no I'm not lost it's right over there." She would potion down the beach. She couldn't see the mangroves yet, but she knew she was getting close the feint scent of the pack lingered on the buffeting breeze. "I'm tired, so I'll have to apologize for my earlier lack of smile. It is a beautiful day! I'm glad to be able to enjoy it, though I'm certainly distracted by the thoughts of seeing my family." She would explain to him softly, "I'm Song Destruction by the way, who are you?"
