

Sparrow [lol weirdest birth thread]


"Break what can be broken"


Master Fighter (935)

Master Hunter (555)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022GlobetrotterStatue 2 WorshipOverachieverIsland HopperSmall Fries
TrapperRunning on EmptySocialiteBest BudsRapid Poster - GoldSouthern Explorer
WealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! WinnerBy the skin of my teethAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyOoh La LaVengeanceCritical Observation!Underachiever
ScarredCritical Fail!ExplorerIce Bridge ExplorerWordyLoser
Snake EyesDouble MasterLegendaryCritical Hit!1K
08-07-2022, 11:57 AM

Weeks had passed since Hana had returned to him, though Azure’s rage surrounding her capture still had not faded. His mate deserved retribution and vengeance, and once he was sure she had settled back in comfortably, Azure set out south to deliver it.

He came upon the beach as the sun began to set, it’s light reflecting off the obsidian stones in beautiful hues that only served to annoy him further. This place was where he and Hana had reconciled not once, but twice. It was dear to him, and Sparrow’s brood of heathens had polluted it with their presence just like they had polluted the weeping woods. Just like Sparrow’s scent had polluted Hana’s, the day she had returned to him.

He did not pause at the border line, stepping confidently across it and onto the obsidian shore. Throwing his head back, Azure announced his presence with clarity. He was here, and Sparrow would meet him to face what she had done. She could refuse if she wished, but it would only drive him further into the territory in search of her - and through any wolf he would come across.


Both of Azure's ears have notches and tears.
Az has a scar across his right eye, a mirror image of his natural born marking.
Azure has saber fangs, bone spurs on his elbows and knees, and the paws/forelimbs of a bear.
Not all of these features are always reflected in his art.

Azure's companions are a very big bat and a young clouded leopard, unless otherwise stated assume they're not with him.