
Just a hop and a skip away




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-07-2022, 11:20 PM

The trip to one of their closest neighboring packs had truly been long over due, but at times it was difficult to step away from her family and pack even long enough to go across a couple of territories for a brief meeting. With her daughter's birth, the festival, the arrival of Ikigai and her brother, the departure of her other brother and his mate, her son's injury... If it wasn't one thing it was another. However, she needed to go south to speak with Chimera on a few different matters so she figured that now was the perfect opportunity to stop by Habari and finally introduce herself properly.

It was the first time that she was traveling alone since she and Alastor became mates, but with Saracyn still on the mend she wanted him to stay home with their family just in case and instead set out on her own to make the trip to Habari and then to Fenmyre. It was a bit later in the day than she would have normally begun a trip like this, but with the strangely violent storms they had been having she had to wait till it passed before she could head out and that put her leaving the pack in the late afternoon. The sun was still high enough to have a good amount of light by the time she reached Habari, but it would likely be below the horizon within the next hour or two.

Manea stopped at the edge of Habari's territory, peering past the border at the mountainous, volcanic land beyond. It was an interesting choice for a pack to keep as one of their lands and it made her curious about the reason behind living in such a place, but she wasn't here to question their choice of home. She lifted her head and let out a call for their alpha before settling back on her haunches to wait with her tail curled neatly over her paws.

"Manea Mendacium"