
Breaking Bad

Manea ♡



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-08-2022, 12:09 AM
Manea watched the emotions that flickered across Irilyth's face as she revealed her desires for her that was in a way an offer for a promotion. There was no question to it since she fully intended to have Irilyth take the role regardless, but she did expect there to be some push back or uncertainty from her sweet Irilyth so she simply laid her thoughts out for the smaller woman to take in and she waited, watching the reactions as they crossed Irilyth's face. The confusion and surprise, the adorable way her face flushed and ears pinned back, the way she struggled to respond or find whatever words it was she was trying to find—Manea watched it all and gave Irilyth the time to process what would be a pretty drastic jump in her position in the pack. In reality Irilyth had already been their sole healer practically since the inception of their group, but this would make her rank and status among the pack far more official and would give her the ability to make her own say and call in important matters.

Eventually Irilyth did manage to speak and it was very much everything Manea had expected. Her nervous, precautionary nature tried to deflect Manea's offer, citing the fact that Manea was intoxicated as a reason to wait on such important decisions, saying how she wouldn't want her to feel as if she had made a mistake. Manea chuckled softly and while her forelegs were still wrapped snuggly around Irilyth and she kept the smaller woman tight to her body, she rolled onto her back and put Irilyth over top of her. Her large, feline paws trailed down her love's back to stroke over her hips, gazing up at her with an adoring grin. "There's no mistake, my love. You have been by my side since the beginning of all of this, have seen me through two pregnancies and births, and have proven your extensive knowledge again and again. No one could possibly deserve this position more than you." A little grin tugged at her lips as she gave Iriltyh's rump an affectionate squeeze, showing that the affects of the aphrodisiac she had been given were still very much in affect regardless of the more serious conversation they had found themselves in.

"You have dedicated and given so much to me in all of the time we've been together. It's time for you to take something for yourself," she told her encouragingly while her paws continued to feel up her former handmaiden, rubbing and squeezing across her rump and hips while her aqua gaze continued to never waver from the beautiful, blonde beauty on top of her. "Whether you take this position or not, you're not going to be my servant any longer. You are my lover and my confidant, but you are no servant. What you do with that freedom is up to you, but you know what I would like to see you accomplish."

"Manea" & "Irilyth"