
Rain on your parade

Saracyn Seasonal



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
08-08-2022, 12:57 AM

Between the heavy rain and the numerous goats she was trying to herd away from the one they had made a target, she hadn't been watching Saracyn and his progress closely. She knew how talented her son was in a hunt and trusted him to hold his own without her assistance. It wasn't until she glanced back to check on his progress that she realized he was no longer there. She did a quick double take with confusion, blinking past the heavy, biting rain and looking around for him on the mountain side. "Saracyn?" she called over the wind, abandoning the goats she was chasing off and turning back to where she had last seen her son. Worry started to creep over her like a cold chill when he didn't answer back right away and she went searching for him with a bit of panic starting to grip at her chest. Disbelief kept her from looking over the edge for a few seconds, but eventually she had to face her fear and as she stood at the edge of the cliff and looked down her aqua gaze settled on his ruby and black form where it had landed at the bottom of a long drop. The rain and thunder of the storm had kept her from hearing his fall and very quickly she was able to piece together what happened. Dread and fear gripped her, unable to even get enough air into her lungs to call down to him again. From this distance she couldn't tell if he was breathing or not, she could only see him laying there in the rain on the rocky outcrop, and for a second it felt like her whole world had come screeching to a halt.

She forced herself to move, scrambling to carefully pick her way down down the side of the mountain to where he had landed while fighting against the wind that was buffeting her from seemingly all sides. She was cursing herself for not stopping the hunt in its tracks when the storm picked up, she was cursing Saracyn for being as reckless as his father, and more than anything she was hoping and praying that he was okay. Before she became a mother she had always felt that if passed before their time then she had simply failed to make the right choice from her litter, but now her perspective on so many things had changed. Now her children were her world and as she continued to glance over to where Saracyn was laying during her rush to get to him all she could feel was this deep, gut wrenching dread and guilt that she had never felt before.

It wasn't until she had managed to get close enough to see the rise and fall of his sides with his breathing that she was able to take a breath with a trembling sigh, the at least momentary relief nearly knocking her over. She slid to a stop at his side, gently checking him for any noticeable major injuries or broken bones, panting from her sprint to get down to him. "Saracyn! Don't move, stay still. Gods, are you alright?" she gasped between breaths, using what little knowledge she had of anything related to healing to lightly check his ribs and legs, trying to see if it was going to be possible to get him out of here on her own or if she was going to need to call for help.

"Manea Mendacium"